A Beginner Guide To Display Advertising

A Beginner Guide To Display Advertising

A Beginner Guide To Display Advertising

In this post, I’ll be covering basic things you need to know about display advertising like:

  1. What is Display Advertisement?
  2. What are the types of Display advertisements?
  3. The benefit of Display advertisement

What is Display Advertisement?

Display Advertisement is a form of paid online advertisement, it is a popular and effective digital marketing advertisement format. Display ads services are completely based on visuals, it holds power to attract the audience. 

It contains a combination of text, images, and a URL. There are various types of ad formats including images or animation with multiple images, videos, or changing text. These ads are generally rectangular or square in shape.

What Are The Types Of Display Advertisements?

Display advertising services have been popular in the market for decades. There are different types of display advertisement ads listed below:

  1. Banner Ads

Banners ads are one of the most commonly used display ad formats. They are visually appealing and stand out on any web page. As the name itself says banner, they are named after banner-like shapes and generally placed at the top of the website pages to seek the visitor’s attention. 

  1. Rich Media

Rich-media advertisement is a type of display ad, As the name suggests it is a combination of rich media viz. text, images, audio, and interactive elements like video, animations, or other special things to make the advertisement more engaging. These ads are dynamic in style along with delivering a better user experience. 

  1. Interstitial ads

Interstitial ads are one of the kinds of banner display ads. They are full-screen ads covering the interface of their host app or entire smartphone screen. They are mostly displayed in between the flow of an app like between activities or during the pause between online video games or watching movies, series, etc. 

Interstitial ads have higher CTR i.e. click-through rates and are more effective than the other type of display ads. 

  1. Video ads

Video ads are a slightly more expensive type of display ad than others. Unlike banner ads or any other type, video ads use a short video to promote the product & service as a digital advertising method. Youtube and Instagram offer a huge platform to run video ads. Video ads are the most powerful type of ads to attract a lot of attention and engagement.

 The Benefit Of Display Advertisement

Display ads are now the most commonly used, result-driven digital marketing staple. The ads campaigns let you reach your potential audience around the globe. Despite traditional advertising methods, Google display advertising shows no signs of slowing down because of the following benefits. 

  • Enhance brands awareness

Display ads services help to build strong brand awareness through campaigning your products and services. Ads have the potential to reach the maximum targeted audience 

  • Visually pleasant & appealing

The graphics and visuals used in Display marketing are very attractive. These are easily attracted by the audience. Advertisers can experiment with different shapes, sizes, designs, and formats to find out the best format that works for them. 

  • Effective targeting and retargeting 

Display advertising services allow you to target potential audiences as per diverse parameters for maximum engagement. Display ads services also enable you to retarget the ads as per your need and requirements. 

  • Analytical insights 

Google display ads provide tools like  Google Analytics for display advertising management. Using this you can easily track your ads performance and perform appropriate action accordingly. 

  • Cost-effective

Unlike other traditional advertising channels like television or radio which require a huge amount of investment, Display advertising services are relatively inexpensive and much more effective. 

For running display ads you can only start with an image and text for creating display ad campaigns. Making it clearly the best digital advertising strategy to increase brand awareness, generating lead, sales, and revenue.

If you would like to know more about the display advertising services in-depth and want to discuss your ads campaign, you can anytime call us at 072890 17444.

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